>_aql % pets

As you enter the living area of the former staff, you notice a variety of food container lying around on the cold and dusty floor. Not only does it look far from edible, but you get the suspicion that something must have living here this whole time. Considerably large paw prints cover the dirty tiles, and you wouldn't call Vyndfleisch in particular suited for human consumption. Your heart begins to race with your steps becoming more hesitant until you hear a distant grumbling. Maybe you should turn around, or maybe a new friend is right behind that corner.

This here is just a place for me to showcase all those funny critters I collected throughout my journey. Backgrounds by the wonderful Forest.

Delta Incubator { Pokéfarm Q }

Vital Chambers { The Final Outpost }

Paintings of Dragons { Dragon Cave }

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Herbarium { Flowergame }

Besuche meinen Alpenveilchen in Flowergame! Besuche meinen Kalifornischer Mohn in Flowergame! Besuche meinen Walderdbeere in Flowergame! Besuche meinen Cocktailtomate in Flowergame! Besuche meinen Sibirischer Blaustern in Flowergame! Besuche meinen Weihnachtsstern in Flowergame! Besuche meinen Violetter Rötelritterling in Flowergame! Besuche meinen Kornblume in Flowergame! Besuche meinen Flammenblume in Flowergame! Besuche meinen Sauerampfer in Flowergame!

Notama Hatchery { Tamanotchi World }

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

Gifypet { Gifypet }